Ghosts and Spirits — Should They be Feared or Embraced?

Karen T. Hluchan
5 min readMay 1, 2022


Happy ghosts

Ghosts and spirits have a job. It is not, as many believe, to frighten or harm us, but rather to remind us that there is more to this universe than our small earthly world. Experiences with ghosts and spirits are one of the methods utilized by our Heavenly Support Teams to expand our thoughts beyond the mundane on earth to that which exists beyond the ordinary experiences we have each day.

Fears Fuel the Imagination

Some people are afraid of the unknown and automatically express fear at experiencing anything out of the ordinary. That fear multiplies and imaginations go wild to the point where people think ghosts are coming after them with the intent to do harm. Allowing your fears to overtake you has the potential to escalate and amplify them. Also, when we are taken by surprise, our survival instincts kick in, shooting adrenaline throughout our bodies. The quick influx of adrenaline triggers an alert throughout our systems for potential dangers. This does not mean that true dangers exist, though. It is more of a startle reflex in which all of the senses are heightened, meaning that anything we see, such as a flash of light, or hear, such as a twig breaking, are amplified. When fear takes over, these experiences can seem ominous.

Mischievous But Not Harmful

Spirits can be mischievous, especially if they liked having fun when they were alive on earth. Just as God uses the soul evolvement of the living to fulfill soul contracts, God also employs those in spirit who are on different levels of soul evolvement to help those on earth. For instance, a friend of mine in spirit likes to “borrow” objects from my house, only to return them two weeks later in the vicinity in which they disappeared. My friend’s mischievous fun is characteristic of his personality and his antics taught me valuable lessons about objects transported between dimensions. In addition to borrowing objects, spirits can utilize energy to move items, pipe scents into the air, blink lights, and freeze up electronic objects like cellphones, your cable box, and more. At times, spirits like to revisit places that were important to their lives — whether they were positive or negative experiences. Deep emotional connections with people, places, and objects are what attract spirits to particular locations. They love to connect with us and communicate their histories or messages of import.

Powerful Illusions

It is very important to note that I have never encountered any being in spirit who was intent on harming me. While beings in spirit employ interesting tactics for capturing my attention, they have never brought me harm. To me reports of demons and demonic encounters are tricks of the mind based on emotional fears of the unknown. One of the topics I write about in my book, How Have You Loved?, is how fear can create powerful illusions that seem real. We can bring fearful thoughts to life if we give them power. For instance, when visiting a Halloween hayride or haunted house, people can become truly frightened by the actors, props, and scenery, even though they know it is all an illusion. The same is true when people are experiencing unexplained phenomenon. The first thoughts may be that “demons” must be present. TV shows and movies have added a lot of confusion and misinformation about how beings in spirit are perceived because they play into the fear factor for sensationalism. More often than not, it is often our loved ones in spirit who are there to help us with their love and support.

Energetic Impressions

When people report seeing spirits or ghosts performing the same actions over and over again, it is often left over energy that plays like a recording. There is no interaction with this type of ghost because it is not the actual spirit but something akin to a hologram. This type of phenomena occurs in locations where this being experienced strong emotional reactions to events. An energetic impression of what they were doing at the time of the event is left behind, which can sometimes be seen, felt, or heard by those whose who are sensitive to extrasensory energies.

What You Can Do When You Encounter a Spirit

When you are experiencing other-worldly visits, my best advice is for you to relax. It is most likely one of your loved ones in spirit that is stopping by to say hello. If you are visiting a historic location or see people in spirit you do not recognize, such as a man, woman or child dressed in period clothing, I recommend relaxing and viewing the situation from a place of curiosity and compassion. Your ability to see, feel, hear, taste or smell communications from spirits your openness to their light, love, and helpful energies.

If you do not wish to communicate with spirits, you can let them know that by thinking it or saying it out loud. There is no need to raise your voice or be rude. Simply state it in a matter of fact way and ask them to leave you alone. If you feel the need for extra assistance, call on Archangel Michael to protect you and remove them from your presence. Most of the time, though, spirits want to communicate a message that will help you or someone else. If you are having experiences with spirit often, or would like to know more about how spirits communicate, I highly recommend that you learn about it. There are many dependable resources from professional spirit mediums that will help you to understand more about the world of spirit. You can increase your knowledge through books, classes, and workshops.

Much can be Learned from Spirits

From the ancient peoples of the past to the people of today, there has been a cultural connection with the world of spirits. The fascination people have with ghosts and spirits is no mistake. It is a fascinating way of keeping our minds open to that which exists beyond life on earth. It also reminds us of our history, including people’s stories and experiences on earth, as their presents gets people talking and thinking on a soul level. There is no coincidence in the uptick of interest in ghosts and other-worldly beings. It represents the pivotal awakening of the world to spiritual matters. Not everyone will wake up to the gifts within them in this lifetime; however, more and more people will be guided toward a spiritual path in an effort to bring more light and love to this planet. This movement toward the spiritual aspects of our existence has the potential to usher in more peace on earth through personal contentment, knowledge, and universal understanding.

Much can be learned from ghosts and spirits. They hold information from the past, the present, and the future, as well as information about life after death and the universe. There is no need to fear them, as they are in our midst to teach us about our souls, as well as all that exists beyond life on earth.


With Love and Light,
Karen T. Hluchan



Karen T. Hluchan

I am a international Spirit Medium, Reiki master, paranormal investigator, motivational speaker, spiritual artist, and author of “How Have You Loved?”