How Soon After Passing Can a Loved One Communicate?

Karen T. Hluchan
5 min readOct 6, 2020


When our physical body expires on earth, our spirits, also referred to as our souls, continue to exist, as does the bond that connects us with one another. As a professional spirit medium, I experience firsthand knowledge from loved ones in spirit every day. The transfer of information is much more complicated than a fireside chat. It is a form of communication that utilizes all of my senses to share information between dimensions. It requires great attentiveness and energy to be open and receptive to the content sent through images, sounds, feelings, tastes, and smells. Moreover, the symbols our guys and gals in heaven use to convey their messages needs to be pieced together for the recipient in order to form a coherent message.

When Can Divine Communication Take Place?

Many people ask me how soon a loved one in spirit can communicate once they have crossed over. The answer is right away. I have experienced immediate communications from both animals and people. I would like to note that while communication is possible, not every being in spirit is skilled at communicating as soon as they cross over. Some are better at it than others. This is because they are older souls that have this knowledge stored within the memory banks of their spirit. I would also like to add that it is important to give your deceased loved ones time to adjust to their new reality. It is equally important to allow yourself time to grieve and adjust to the changes in your life caused by the loss of a loved one. People who are in the depths of strong grief need time to heal, and when they reach out to a spirit medium too soon, they may not be open and receptive to what their loved ones in spirit want to share. Grief and deep sadness have a tendency to block spiritual communications because a person’s main focus is on painful emotions and situations. Often, they only want to hear what they want to hear. Think of it this way: when you experience sharp physical pain, it tends to take over your mind and temporarily halt all other thoughts. In fact, all you can think about is how to rid yourself of the physical pain. It is similar with emotional pain that accompanies strong grief in which the hurt of loss blocks out all other thoughts other than how to relieve the heartache.

Healing and the Grief Process

The time it takes for each person to process grief and work through the healing process is unique to each individual. There are many factors that contribute to the effects of grief including, but not limited to, the way someone passed, the depth of the relationship shared, and personal beliefs about what happens to us when we pass. While it is healthy to mourn the passing of a loved one, it is not emotionally healthy to dwell in grief for extended periods of time. Choosing to remain in a state of perpetual sadness not only blocks you from living the life you are meant to live, but also prevents you from recognizing the signs and messages that loved ones may be sending from the Other Side. In addition, it does not change the fact that a loved one is no longer sharing an earthly experience with us. It is important to understand that our loved ones in spirit want us to go on with our lives and to try to experience as much joy as possible for the time we have on earth. If you need help in getting to this place, there are many resources available, such as grief counselors, life coaches, spirit mediums, friends, family, and more. Often, learning how to manage grief is one of the lessons to be learned for our souls in this lifetime. It is equally as important to understand that the bonds that we have with our loved ones and the love we share cannot be broken by the expiration of our physical bodies. Therefore, we are never truly separated from one another in spirit.

Guidance from the Other Side

Our guys and gals in heaven work from a place of light, love, and expanded knowledge. Their purpose for communicating with you, directly or through a spirit medium, is to bring healing and guidance to your life. A person who has reached a state of acceptance regarding a person’s passing is much more likely to get the most out of their reading with a spirit medium. This is because grief is no longer clouding his or her ability to be receptive to the information being shared. This does not mean that you do not miss your loved ones, it means that you have accepted that he or she has transitioned to heaven, and have made the conscious choice to continue your personal journey on this earth. When it is your time to cross over into heaven, you will be reunited with your loved ones in spirit, including any pets and animals that have made a significant impact on your life or you on theirs. In the meantime, your loved ones in spirit will continue to watch over you, as well as send you messages and signs letting you know that they are around.

They Communicate with You, Too!

Your loved ones in spirit use your senses, too, to let you know that they are around. For example, they may place visual images in front of you that remind you of them. My father often uses signs related to firefighters and trains to let me know he is around. In addition, loved ones in spirit may play music in your head to give you answers to your prayers or that reminds you of them. You may also feel their presence, smell their perfume, or have strong taste cravings for the food they used to cook. They orchestrate these wondrous occurrences for you in ways that are challenging for the human mind to comprehend. Unfortunately, some people dismiss these occurrences and try to explain them away as coincidences. Nothing in this world is a coincidence, and it would truly amaze you to be able to comprehend the ways in which spiritual beings on the Other Side facilitate events on earth. They do so with our best interests at heart, and to help us navigate our journeys. Remember, they use a myriad of ways to get our attention, including our dreams. When you see them there, it is your loved ones in spirit trying to help you to overcome your fears, to provide messages of comfort, and to help you to work through issues you face on a daily basis.


With Love and Light,
Karen T. Hluchan



Karen T. Hluchan
Karen T. Hluchan

Written by Karen T. Hluchan

I am a international Spirit Medium, Reiki master, paranormal investigator, motivational speaker, spiritual artist, and author of “How Have You Loved?”

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