Intuition: Our Soul Information Retrieval System

Karen T. Hluchan
4 min readMay 15, 2024


Intuition is an inner knowingness originating within our souls. The knowledge we acquired in all our past lifetimes is stored within our souls. Every experience and every lesson we learned adds to our storehouses of information. This information can be called upon to help us in situations we face each day.

Soul Information Retrieval System

Our intuition, or the soul information retrieval system, sends us alerts through inner urgings about situations in order to direct us on paths that are best for us and all concerned. Coupled with this knowledge is the guidance we receive from the Other Side. Listening and paying attention, also known as being in tune with oneself, brings awareness of the messages from the soul and the Other Side. Our Heavenly Support Team, which includes God, loved ones in spirit, the angels, past spiritual masters, and more, provide us with daily guidance.

Pay Attention to Physical Reactions to Distinguish the Truth

Intuition helps us to distinguish the truth in situations. It is the inner voice that gives us the impression or feeling that a situation may not be right or may be out of sync. It can also confirm when a situation is perfect for us or a great match for our life paths. The gift of intuition is a psychic ability that is seated in the solar plexus chakra, the energy center located in the midsection of the body below the rib cage and three inches above the belly button.

When messages are being sent by our intuitive gifts, they are often accompanied by physical reactions. For example, you may experience a sinking feeling or the contraction of the stomach muscles upon receiving news. This “gut reaction” is an involuntary instinctual response triggered by the intuition to indicate a warning of possible danger to the self or others. It may also be accompanied by a quickening of the pulse and a quick surge of energy that starts in the stomach area and flows outward to all points on the body and dissipates. On the opposite end of the spectrum, when you receive positive news you may experience a sense of happiness, ease, and a temporary lightness accompanied by the relaxing of your muscles. This physical reaction signifies a release of tension associated with the circumstances. In addition, you may feel tingling or goose bumps on the back of your arm, traveling across your back, and finishing on the back of your other arm. This is what I refer to as a validation of information sent or received. It is a confirmation that the information being shared is the truth.

How Direct Guidance from Guides and Beings in Heaven Differs from Intuitive Messages

When guidance is being provided through the gift of intuition, there is a physical reaction accompanied by a feeling or inner knowingness about the information received. When beings in spirit provide guidance, it is received using one or all the earthly or extrasensory senses. For instance, through my gift of clairsentience or extrasensory feeling, I receive “yes” or “no” answers through tinging on my left or right hands on the tops of my fingers. I discovered this when I was going to make a phone call to a potential significant other. Every time I picked up the phone to call, the fingers on my right hand started to tingle strongly, much like the feeling of pins and needles, but in a specific location on the tops of my fingers. This happened every time I reached for the phone to call this person. I took that as a message not to call. I also asked my guys and gals in heaven for confirmation that it was them giving me the message, and the fingers on my left hand would tingle as an indication of “yes.” As it turns out, my guys and gals were right in preventing the call because that person was not the best match for me.

To Heed or Not to Heed

When it comes to listening to your intuition or messages from above, you have the free will to do whatever you wish; however, there is a note of caution for when you decide to ignore the messages you are receiving. Ignoring them usually results in less than desirable results. The help you are receiving from your intuition and your guys and gals in heaven, otherwise known as your Heavenly Support Team, is meant for your highest good, which you may not understand at the time. I know from experience that heeding messages usually ends up with better results for me, even if the direction I am being guided towards is not the path I personally thought was best at the time. We do not always know and see everything clearly, and it sure is wonderful to have our own internal soul information retrieval system, as well as a team of heavenly guides to help navigate us to safety in challenging situations. My advice is to listen well to the guidance. Our souls embedded with information from past lives and our current soul contract, and our guys and gals in heaven, know our true paths much better than we do because they have direct access to the maps of our life plans created in heaven before we were born.

Wishing you the best with your journey!

With Love and Light,
Karen T. Hluchan

International Spirit Medium, Paranormal Investigator, Reiki Master, Spiritual Artist, Motivational Speaker, & Author of How Have You Loved?



Karen T. Hluchan

I am a international Spirit Medium, Reiki master, paranormal investigator, motivational speaker, spiritual artist, and author of “How Have You Loved?”