Love Is the Primary Reason for Our Existence

Our journey in life is very interesting. What is most fascinating, though, is what goes on behind the scenes and the reasons why we are here.
Soul Contracts
Before we were born, we made agreements in heaven to learn lessons to help our souls to grow. Members of our soul groups, such as family members, friends, and co-workers, help us with those lessons by agreeing to set certain circumstances into motion with the intent to awaken us to the richness of our spirits, our unique identities, and the gift of love.
Heavenly Support
As others volunteer to help us, we volunteer to help them. All of this is agreed upon before we are reborn on earth, and while we are here, our support teams of angels, past spiritual masters, God, spirit guides, and our loved ones in spirit assist us in tremendous ways. Their ultimate goal is to help us to recognize the light of our own spirits that is illuminated by the love from which we were created.
How Have You Loved?
After we cross over into heaven, we are asked one very important question when we review our lives: “How have you loved?” It is not just about how you have loved others, but yourself, as well. The seemingly negative situations that we encounter in our lifetimes are not punishments, but rather wake-up calls to help us to learn how to give and receive compassion, forgiveness, empathy, and love.
Opportunities for Growth
When someone in your life treats you badly, you are given the choice to let that person drag you down or to see beyond the person’s behavior and to recognize it as a projection of his or her own fears, and not a character-defining commentary about you. People who hurt others, intentionally or not, may be in the throes of their own life lessons, and have not yet learned that such behavior is rooted in the illusion of fear. They may also be acting out his or her portion of a soul contract designed to stretch your spiritual growth by giving you the opportunity to move beyond such behavior. Each soul is here to learn, each one of us is created out of love, and each one of us is loved, regardless of where we are in our soul’s evolution.
Seeing the Gifts within Seemingly Negative Situations
The next time you experience seemingly negative situations, try to see the lessons that could be learned, rather than focusing on the negativity itself. It helps to take a step back from the circumstances you encounter. You may not see the answers while in the midst of the situation; however, it is possible to do so and to get better at being able to more readily recognize the opportunities you are being given to grow.
One way to do this is to remind yourself that we are all here to learn, and we are all here for the specific purpose of helping each other to grow as souls. Every action and event, as unbelievable as it may seem, is born out of the love of which we are all a part. It is because those actions and events are based in our spiritual growth which sometimes requires challenging situations to push us to become the best version of us we can be.
Spiritual Assistance
If you are having a hard time seeing the beauty of another’s soul, ask God and your angels to assist you. Your heavenly support team will help you to see beyond what appears to be negative on the surface, in order for you to recognize with your spirit the love that is truly there.
With Love and Light,
Karen T. Hluchan