Prayers from This Side of Heaven Are More Than a Request

Karen T. Hluchan
6 min readNov 10, 2020


Reasons Why We Pray

When we pray, we are asking a higher power to step in and help with a situation that seems beyond our control or outside the scope of our personal reach. People often ask for help from God, past spiritual masters (deeply spiritual people who lived life on earth but have crossed over and help from the Other Side, such as Saints, Buddha, etc.), the Archangels, and more.

Requests for assistance are often made when we, or those we love, are facing dire circumstances or have a heartfelt desire we would like to have fulfilled. We pray for certain outcomes, such as for improved health, safety during travel or in storms, financial stability, or love. Even though we pray, there are times when it seems prayers go unanswered. Some may ask, what is the point of praying if the outcome is not the one we requested? Is there anyone even listening?

More than a Request for a Specific Outcome

Prayers are a complex subject that have a much deeper meaning than what appears on the surface. Each one of us is on a spiritual journey on earth. As human beings, we have agreed to live a lifetime on earth to learn important lessons for our souls, as well as to help others with their soul plans. These lessons are bound in a soul contract which outlines the lessons, but does not specify the details about how the lessons will occur on this plane. Once we are born, events are orchestrated to help us to learn the lessons we agreed to in this lifetime. Free will is a very critical element of our journeys, because it gives each person the ability to control his or her reactions to events. If a lesson is not learned the first time, it will recur in different forms until it is completed. Because of the ever-changing circumstances of action and reaction due to free will, the events which trigger our life lessons are facilitated on a daily basis. It would amaze you to see and comprehend the incredible amount of planning that goes into events on earth.

It is important to note that, once we are born on earth, knowledge of our soul contracts is partially or fully obscured from our memory in order to provide optimal conditions for learning. One of the main lessons of our journey is to rediscover the knowledge hidden within our souls about our divine origins, our connection with all beings, and the reasons why we exist. In order to learn and grow, challenging situations are orchestrated on earth by higher beings to reawaken us to the knowledge buried within our souls. The obstacles and circumstances we face are designed to make us dig deep into our souls to find answers and to establish, reconnect, or increase our faith, as well as to discover the solace, hope, and grace that accompanies the epiphanies about the positive reasons behind all experiences.

Reawakening to Our Connection with Higher Beings

Within our souls is a line of communication which connects us to all beings. Extensive knowledge of this system may be obscured; however, bits and pieces remain as a lifeline to help us in times of need. It is through this system that our prayers are sent and received. It is also the system that is used for spirit to spirit communication (also known as mediumship), psychic messages, and intuitive messages. We have not been abandoned to withstand life on earth alone. We have assistance we can tap into, and life offers many opportunities to reawaken us to the means of that assistance.

Prayers, which are sent through the line of communication via thought, are one way in which we are reminded of our connection with a higher power. In times of great need, we often revert to asking God or the Creator for help. Prayers deepen our connection and reinforce the belief in our divine connection to a force larger and more powerful than ourselves. They also bring out the best in our nature when we pray for positive outcomes for those we love. Prayers are a product of empathy and love, which strengthens bonds between people on earth, as well as with the heavenly beings tasked with assisting us.

When our prayers are answered, the circumstances encountered can serve as a reinforcement of our beliefs in a higher power. Over time, our belief systems will be tested by many challenging situations. It is up to us whether we continue to believe in the existence of a higher power and continue our deep dive into soul evolution and growth or to give in to the limited voice of the human ego which fuels fears and worries in its efforts to place obstacles between us and the higher beings, such as God or the angels, who have our best interests at heart.

On earth, we encounter situations which tear down the walls of the human ego that often get in the way of spiritual connections in order to expose the core of our spiritual selves and get us back to our true spiritual nature. Answered prayers are a beacon of hope in an otherwise challenging world. Our souls need the reminders, which come to us disguised as tough times, of the true meaning of life which is love for the self and others.

Prayers also serve as reminders of our connection with our Heavenly Support Teams, which include God, the Archangels, past spiritual masters, and loved ones in spirit. It is comforting to know we have help during a time of need and, at the very least, we have someone listening to our most fervent and heartfelt desires. When our prayers are answered in ways we recognize, it reinforces the support and connection we have with one another.

Answered, But in Ways We May Not Expect

All prayers are heard; however, they may be answered in ways we do not expect. With our limited knowledge, we may not always comprehend the bigger picture of our lives and the lives of others. The human ego, with its demanding voice inside our psyches, wants what it wants the way it wants it. In its role as an instigator of challenges, including the obscuring of divine knowledge, the human ego demands fulfillment of prayers in specific ways. However, this may not always be in our best interests. This is because the lessons laid out in our soul contracts, as well as the decisions we have made, play a role in whether prayers are answered in the manner requested. For instance, the outcome you may be asking for may not be in your best interests; therefore, it may seem as though your prayer goes unanswered because the request was not readily granted in the exact way you requested.

Our Heavenly Support Teams know the contents of our soul contracts and the lessons we are to learn. If a prayer is not answered in the way you wanted it to be answered, it does not mean it was not heard, it means it may be answered in a way that better aligns with your life plan. Keep in mind, as human beings, the scope of our understanding regarding the divine reasons for events on earth has been partially or fully obscured. We do not have all of the answers when we want them or even how we want them because it would take away from our learning experience. Faith and trust, as well as always searching for the positive reasons for negative circumstances, go a long way toward bringing understanding and internal peace, as well as lessening time wasted on worries and regrets. Outcomes opposite to what we prayed for are not punishments or denials, but rather a redirecting of our energies into optimal circumstances for soul evolution.

The Power of Prayers

It is important to emphasize that every prayer is heard and answered in the best possible way for you and those for which you made the requests. It is not a waste of time, but rather a significant part of our lives which helps connect us with the divine beings who are helping us with our journeys on earth, as well as with our fellow human beings and the animals who journey with us.

The thoughts we put out into the universe are very powerful. They help shape our destinies and provide information to our Heavenly Support Teams about our progress. Prayers are much more than requests for assistance. They are a reminder of our vital connection with the divine beings tasked with helping us experience life in the best way possible according to our soul contracts, as well as a reminder of the knowledge that there is more to our existence beyond life on earth.

With Love and Light,
Karen T. Hluchan



Karen T. Hluchan

I am a international Spirit Medium, Reiki master, paranormal investigator, motivational speaker, spiritual artist, and author of “How Have You Loved?”