Releasing the Past through Forgiveness

Karen T. Hluchan
4 min readAug 8, 2022


Whether it is painful events in the recent past or from as far back as childhood, emotional, mental, and spiritual trauma can be released from your spirit through forgiveness of the person or people involved, including yourself.

Complex Decisions and Challenging Situations

As spiritual beings on a human journey, we decided to live a lifetime on this earth to learn lessons that will enable us to grow as souls. Many of the lessons we have chosen require complex decisions and challenging situations that can have a significant impact on the evolvement of not only our souls, but also on the souls of others. Because we are in a stage of learning, and are not all-knowing beings, mistakes will be made. It is important to forgive each other for the mistakes we make and to look beyond the pain to the lessons that are built into the situations we encounter on a daily basis.

Reasons and Choices

In order for our souls to evolve to a clearer understanding of the reasons for our existence, it is necessary to face challenges that make us question and think about our self-worth, our relationships and connections with others, and whether or not there really is a higher power that guides us. The reason you experience tragic, sad, or disheartening events is not to drag you down, but to give you a choice. You can choose to let these situations mire you in negativity and self-pity, or you can choose to see the blessings and lessons that God and the Angels are assisting you with in order to open your heart, mind, and spirit to the truth that exists within your soul.

Why It Is Beneficial to Forgive

Forgiveness is an acknowledgement and a release of actions from the past that caused harm to yourself or others. Extending forgiveness does not mean that you are condoning the behavior that caused you or others harm. It means that you have come to terms with the situation and have made a conscious decision to release its hold on you. By recognizing that these events served a very important purpose in your soul evolvement, you can also learn how to express gratefulness for the lessons you learned. In order to do that though, you must be able to look beyond the pain in order to see how you were given the opportunity to grow as a soul. The rewards you receive for perceiving the patterns and lessons behind traumatizing events includes amazing enlightenment about yourself, others, and the universe as a whole, as well as a realization that these events were necessary steps toward achieving your dreams in this lifetime.

It is important to note that you do not have to be in someone’s presence in order to forgive them. You can extend forgiveness in your heart and mind by sending forgiving thoughts toward the situation and the people involved. Our connection in spirit with one another allows the messages to be received by the spirit of the person you are forgiving. The people that are here on earth may or may not be consciously aware of your message of forgiveness; however, the spirit that resides within them will have received and acknowledged the forgiveness you have extended.

What Happens When You Refuse to Forgive

Holding grudges, anger, and pain inside of yourself hurts you. Those negative emotions and thoughts prevent you from moving forward and draw toward you more unfortunate circumstances. When you are focused on the lower energies produced by fear and anger, you are dragging down your own energy. This will attract more situations to you that are harmful. By choosing to release negative emotions, you are releasing their hold on you. This will lighten your energetic load and free you up to attract more positive experiences in your life. Keep in mind that how you live your life is your choice. Whether you decide to remain mired in misery or rise above the challenges you face, it is the gift of free will that gives you the option to choose the path that you take.

If you need help extending forgiveness, you can ask the Archangels for assistance. They will help you to release the negativity and heal the pain that you have been carrying.

Repetition May Be Necessary

Even after you have extended forgiveness, there may be times when a situation appears in your life which will bring to the surface old pain and remembrances of harmful situations. When this happens, you can extend forgiveness again and visualize the situation and the people involved as healed.

Setting Yourself Free

As you make the choice to free yourself from the past, you are also making the choice to open yourself up to love and more positive experiences. Your spirit will be lighter, and you may even feel as though a physical weight has been lifted from your body. Enjoy the benefits and freedom that comes from releasing your past, and shift your focus to the present, which is full of gifts and opportunities for making positive choices regarding your life path.


With Love and Light,
Karen T. Hluchan



Karen T. Hluchan

I am a international Spirit Medium, Reiki master, paranormal investigator, motivational speaker, spiritual artist, and author of “How Have You Loved?”