Resilience through Trust and Faith

Karen T. Hluchan
5 min readMar 24, 2020


Circumstances beyond our control can sometimes be the cause for much angst in our lives. Everyone experiences stress; however, how we handle it and what we decide to do about it determines whether it will take over our lives or whether we will overcome it.

Faith and Trust are Earned and Learned

Having faith and trust is not a given. It is a choice that is made which includes the surrendering of the human ego that always wants to control outcomes. Anyone can say they have faith, but to live it is to experience it with all of your being. In our lifetimes on this earth, we will face many challenging circumstances that may make us question the existence of God and whether or not God is helping us and loves us. Trying circumstances are not tests or punishments, but rather opportunities to truly experience God through choices made with our free will. As we power through the tough times, it is often difficult to see the positive reasons for negative circumstances. One of the most important lessons I have learned in this lifetime is to continually look for the positive lessons and outcomes buried deep within negative situations and encounters. The more I have practiced this approach, the more I can see how events are facilitated on this plane for the benefit of all. In turn, my faith in God and the circumstances I face has significantly grown, bringing inner peace, understanding, knowledge, trust, and love to the heart of my being. No longer do I allow circumstances to overwhelm me to the point of immobility. Short bursts of fear, upset, or shock can and do creep in at times, especially at the onset of receiving news that unexpectedly causes a significant change of plans; however, I do my best to quickly let go of the fearful reactions from the human ego. As I work through the issues, I acknowledge the situation, knowing there is a positive purpose I may or may not understand at the time. I then begin the process of actively working on solutions for the best path for me, as well as for those involved. It is my faith and trust in my guys and gals in heaven, also known as my Heavenly Support Team, which brings the state of calm necessary for clarity in decision making.

The Cultivation Process

Over the years, I have cultivated great trust in myself and my Heavenly Support Team. Through the trying circumstances, they have taught me time and again that they are here to help and guide me when it is appropriate for them to step in and assist. It is important to note that they will withhold information when it is time for me to make pivotal decisions about my life. Free will to choose our paths is a gift given to us when we were created. The times when our guys and gals step back may be marked by a silence or an absence of feeling your personal loved ones in spirit around you. They are there; however, they are not allowed to interfere or influence your decision making process.

Shouldn’t we be Independent?

People have asked me why I would want help from my Heavenly Support Team. If we have free will and are supposed to grow through our independence, why would it be appropriate to ask for and receive help on this journey? While it is important to learn and make decisions on our own, it is equally important to know we are not alone on our journeys. Life on earth can be difficult and challenging; however, it holds many rewards. Our guys and gals in heaven know this, and they know working together creates unity and synchronicity which greatly increases success for each individual, as well as for soul groups. The success they are helping us work towards is spiritual success. Our lives here are not about what jobs we have worked or money we have earned. Those are mundane aspects of life which are used as tools for lesson learning. Instead, our true mission is a spiritual one of the soul in which we learn to actively love ourselves and others while rediscovering the amazing connections we have with God and all of creation. Our guys and gals in heaven do what they can to be our cheerleaders, our guides, and our mentors. They are not interfering with our growth but supporting it through their love and knowledge while allowing us to make all of the important decisions on our own.

Improving Results

In this challenging maze of life, we are also here to help and be helped. No man or woman is an island. We are here to learn how to love one another and how to work with one another. Being open to giving and receiving from both earthly and heavenly sources is one of our largest lessons here, because it is based in love — the reason for our existence. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it. We are all a significant part of a team who, together, are experiencing a spiritual journey for our souls as human beings. When we open our hearts and minds with a fearlessness born out of trust and faith, we become resilient travelers who can overcome adversity and do anything we set our minds to accomplish. When we work together with those on earth and in heaven, the achievements have the potential to be even greater as the combined energies and unique talents greatly multiply the love and positive results.

Delving Deep

On earth, much of the knowledge built into our souls is often veiled from us. This is done to provide the challenges we requested in the form of soul contracts, which are the plans for the lessons we are to learn while we are here. One of our quests is to delve deep into our souls in order to bring the knowledge to light. It is a lifelong journey beset with challenges and setbacks, but also great rewards in the form of grace, inner peace, and love.

Reawaken Your Soul

Through my experiences, my Heavenly Support Team has earned my trust by showing me there is a world much bigger than ours and everything we experience here is for the beautiful reawakening of our souls to the light and love of heaven grounded within the hearts of our spirits. It is my hope and prayer for each and every being to recognize the great love from which we are created, as well as comprehend the vital importance of resilience built upon trust and faith in the divine reasons for our existence.

With Love and Light,
Karen T. Hluchan



Karen T. Hluchan

I am a international Spirit Medium, Reiki master, paranormal investigator, motivational speaker, spiritual artist, and author of “How Have You Loved?”