Karen T. Hluchan
1 min readJan 1, 2022


Thank you for this article. It speaks me in so many ways. Unfortunately, I have also been let down by many people whom I asked for help. I then turn inwards and pick up the resilience mantle with the mantra - if you want something done right, do it yourself. So many hard letdowns but people who have dropped the ball. Yes, people see me as the strength and do not see me as someone who needs help. They ignore my needs when I speak of them and they attempt to take, take, take - even when I express my boundaries. It is a viscous circle. There was a time in my life where I let go of the strong instinct to work hard to make sure things got done right. It went against my grain. It also caused depression as I lost faith in humanity. When I expressed my needs, no one was listening. I had to let things fail to get people’s attention. In the end, they did not step up and take actions to rectify the situation, even though I informed them of the problems and how I needed help. It is my disappointment in the actions of people that drives me to rely on myself - even after I express my needs in a vulnerable way.



Karen T. Hluchan

I am a international Spirit Medium, Reiki master, paranormal investigator, motivational speaker, spiritual artist, and author of “How Have You Loved?”