The Importance of Self-Care
In the midst of life’s chaos it is very important to take time out to take care of you. Even with a multitude of responsibilities on your shoulders, if you keep pushing you will not only burn yourself out, but also will block you from opportunities that could make your way easier. God knows that you can only accomplish so much in one day. The Creator does not want you to push yourself to the point of exhaustion and illness, but rather when these times of great pressure occur, God wants you to take a step back from the hustle and bustle and just breathe.
Driven by the Human Ego
The chaos that we experience is based on a drive by the ego to make us believe that certain earthly concerns are of the utmost importance. The human ego has a very subtle and determined way of pushing our consciousness away from the divine, as well as the light and love that is within each one of us. Awareness of when the ego is steering your actions, which is usually accompanied by a feeling of heavy pressure and a sense that your life is out of your control, can help you to recognize when it is time to take a step back and make time for self-care.
But There Is So Much to Do!
It may seem counterintuitive to set the mountain of responsibilities aside in order to take care of you, especially when you think about how that time can be used to take a significant chunk out of those tasks. But if you stop and really think about it, when are our responsibilities ever truly completed? When does the list of tasks ever end? There will always be mundane projects, responsibilities, and tasks to accomplish, because once you finish one, there are five more that have jumped in line right behind it. Interestingly, the tasks you do get done in a day are the ones you were supposed to accomplish, even if some are still big ones left on the list undone. The pressure to complete them is usually self-created. Ask yourself this when looking at your list: Will the world come to an end if I do this tomorrow instead of right this second? By the way, for those of you who are procrastinators, this is not a license to throw all responsibilities to the wind. At some point, you will need to step up and take care of those tasks, and if you take measured steps each day, you will find that your tasks are getting accomplished.
Step Back and Carve Out
It is recommended that you, especially in the midst of chaos, take the time to step back and carve out some time just for you. Tasks will always be there, but the sun rising up out of the mist on a lake will wait for no one. Hug your kids, play with your pets, create beauty in the world…do whatever brings you happiness and makes your spirit sing a song of joy.
Carpe Diem — Seize the Day!
This day is yours to enjoy. When reviewing your life, it will not be the hours of completing an endless litany of tasks that you will remember and cherish, but rather the magical moments of connection with the people and animals in your life, the awareness of divine intervention in the realization of your dreams, the incredible beauty of nature that gives breath to your soul, and the supreme love and synchronization that you have with yourself and all of creation.
Reaping the Harvest of Self-Love
Embracing the concept of self-care is also about embracing self-love. Caring for yourself — mind, body, and spirit — is not only important, but also as essential as the air we breathe. It is a conscious choice that you can make that will provide more long-term soul benefits than any mundane task on your list. Giving yourself the gift of self-care today will reap a harvest of peace within your soul that will quiet the rush of pressing tasks and allow you to move forward once again with renewed energy and purpose.
Divine Opportunities Delivered with Wings
The pause in the seemingly ceaseless actions will give your Heavenly Support Team an opportunity to step into your situation and answer your prayers. Pushing with the will of ego has a tendency to block out the light, as well as divine guidance and assistance. Some of the most powerful moments in my life have come during the times that I let go of the steering wheel and took time out for self-care. It is because I left an opening for the divine to step in and help me. It is in this stillness and the release of self-imposed pressure that you, too, may experience some of the most amazing circumstances of your life.
With Love and Light,
Karen T. Hluchan