The Universal Gift of Spirit Communication Is Within You

Karen T. Hluchan
5 min readNov 8, 2022


Bronze-colored angel statue

Each of us is born with the ability to communicate through the hearts of our spirits with loved ones in heaven, the angels, and God. There is an invisible communication network that connects us to all beings in existence. The ability to tap into that network is a skill that can be learned, or as I like to refer to it, a skill that can be remembered. Throughout the many lifetimes we have lived, as well as the time spent in heaven, we have known of this ability and have used it. However, when we are born on earth, our memories of this ability can be veiled from us until the right time approaches. Having an open mind and an open heart helps us to retrieve the knowledge of spirit-to-spirit communication built into our souls. It also helps when you have an older soul, someone who has lived many lifetimes and whose gift is strong, to help guide you through the process and learn how to better manage it.

Benefits of Connecting with Heaven

There are many benefits to learning how to communicate via your spirit with loved ones who have crossed over into heaven, as well as the angels and God. While you may receive signs they are around, it is even better to know why they are around and what they would like to express to you beyond their love. Our loved ones in spirit help us with our lives every day, and if we can open ourselves up to their messages, we can better navigate our lives and become more open to the incredible love that streams into our souls on a daily basis. Our guys and gals in heaven know how challenging life on earth can be. Because of this and because of the great love they have for us, they do their best to support us through our earthly journeys.

Learning a New Language

Learning how to communicate via your spirit can be equated to learning a new language. This is because the way we communicate through our spirits is different from the way we communicate with one another on the earth plane. Loved ones in spirit and the angels use all of our senses to transmit messages. Seeing, feeling, hearing, tasting, smelling, and knowing are ways in which the information is received and transmitted; however, the information comes through our extrasensory senses, which go beyond our earthly senses. They also use symbols to represent information and to communicate concepts. Each person’s symbols are unique, and it takes time to decipher the codes. One of the most amazing aspects of mediumship is that it grows, deepens, and changes. Each day brings an opportunity to expand your knowledge and hone your skills.

Reawakening to the Gifts Within

Spirit mediums are not born knowing they are mediums or conduits to the Other Side. The veil that covers knowledge when we are born is lifted when the time is right for us to share our gifts. We are made aware of our gifts through many experiences, and in my case, I received a true calling that left absolutely no doubt as to my purpose in this lifetime. Not everyone receives this type of calling, nor is it always so strong. Each person has their own mission in life, and serving others in a professional capacity in this way may or may not be your purpose; however, you can still learn how to communicate with loved ones in spirit and the angels. If you feel a strong desire to learn, it is because it is necessary for the growth of your spirit to tap into beneficial guidance from heaven. As a spirit medium, I am an old soul who has been called by God to share the gift of spirit communication with you. When I received my calling, it was one of the most amazing moments in my life. I have known for a long time that my mission includes not only sharing my gifts, but also teaching others to reach within to realize their own abilities to communicate via their spirits.


One of the first steps I took when reawakening to my gifts was to find a teacher to help me better understand how they worked. I trained with some of the top spirit mediums in the world, including James Van Praagh, Tony Stockwell, John Holland, and more. What amazed me the most was my experience triggered a remembering. As I attended the workshops, information recorded within my soul came flooding back and I knew how to perform tasks they were not even teaching. It was truly an amazing experience. A whole new world was opening up for me, and I knew with all of my heart and soul the time had come for me to share my gifts with the world.

What My Students Experience

Students I work with today experience an incredible shift in their mindsets while attending my workshops. It is wonderful to see people open up to spirit for the first time and to grow into their gifts and abilities. Opening up to your natural gifts and abilities is an awe-inspiring experience that floods your life with knowledge, love, and wonder about our extraordinary existence.

Opportunities to Learn

Whether you learn from me or from another professional spirit medium, learning about your gifts of mediumship will help you better recognize not only signs from your loved ones in spirit, but also what they would like to share with you. Your relationships will continue to grow as you learn about this unique form of communication across dimensions. Beyond learning the foundations of spirit communication and how to manage these gifts, you can also expand your knowledge by learning how to communicate with the angels and animals, retrieve information about past lives and the innerworkings of Heaven, utilize psychometry, and much more. The knowledge you receive and the divine connections you nurture can be used for just for yourself or you can choose to use your gifts to help others in both informal and formal ways. We are all given the opportunity to explore our spiritual connections with Heaven, whether we are meant to become professional spirit mediums or not. Enjoy your spiritual journey and your connections with Heaven!


With Love and Light,
Karen T. Hluchan



Karen T. Hluchan

I am a international Spirit Medium, Reiki master, paranormal investigator, motivational speaker, spiritual artist, and author of “How Have You Loved?”