Uplift Your Soul with Easy Meditations

In today’s world, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life. The responsibilities pile up, demanding our attention, leaving little time to relax and unwind. It is important to our overall well-being to find the time to take a break from the mundane tasks of the day, as well as any worries and stress that have accumulated. Meditation, no matter how brief, can uplift our souls by providing our minds, bodies, and spirits with a recharge that can boost our productivity, creativity, and energy.
Meditation comes in many forms. Many people think meditation means sitting in silence trying to still your thoughts or chanting “Om” while sitting cross-legged on the floor. These are forms of meditation that can be very useful; however, it takes a lot of practice to learn how to clear your mind of thoughts, and even when you do, it may only last for seconds at a time.
The forms of meditation I would like to share are easier to fulfill and may also bring much more enjoyment. Any time we let go of worries and concerns and turn our focus toward pleasant activities, we are meditating. For instance here are some of my favorite ways to meditate:
- Breathe — Taking a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth while concentrating on your breath is a simple way to meditate. You can also place your hands over your heart as you do this and release any thoughts you have about your concerns and worries. Concentrate on your breath and your heart. As you breathe, your breaths should sound like the ocean waves.
- Nature — Enjoy time in nature. Go for a walk, hike, or jog. Breathe in the air, listen to the birds, and try to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Taking a break near water, such as the ocean, a lake, or a creek, can bring peace to your soul.
- Exercise — Get your body moving. Focusing on fitness helps to get the blood flowing and releases happy endorphins. When you add music to the mix, you can be transported by the tunes as your body moves. Dancing is a wonderful way to meditate.
- Creativity — Draw, paint, and create. Take your mind off your worries and concerns by creating a work of art
- Gardening — Planting flowers to beautify your surroundings or vegetables to provide homegrown food. A lot of personal satisfaction can be achieved from growing your own plants. It is wonderful to care for them and to watch them grow. This not only is a method of meditation, but also assists the earth and helps you to ground your energies.
- Reading, Watching a Movie, or Playing a Game — Reading and watching movies has a way of transporting us to another world in healthy ways. A family fun night with movies or games also helps with bonding and the creation of positive memories.
- Energy Healing or Massage — Reiki energy healing is a wonderful form of meditation that cleanses your energy centers and provides positive benefits for your mind, body, and soul. Treating yourself to a massage helps you to relax and unwind, and may include additional benefits when you include seaweed wraps, facials, and more. Self-care equates to a healthier you.
- Cleaning — This one might not sound like fun; however, I have found that immersing myself in a task such as cleaning gives my mind a rest as I concentrate on the tasks at hand. Plus, organizing your belongings may create a more relaxed space.
- Spend Time with Loved Ones — When we take the time to play with children or pets, or spend time with those we love, it can be a form a meditation, as long as we are living in the moment and letting go of our stress and worries. Have fun and enjoy the people you love by participating in activities that bring joy to all of you.
- Meditation Journeys or Guided Meditation — A guided meditation is one that can take you on a journey in your mind to help you relax and unwind, to meet up with your loved ones in spirit and the angels, and more. You can participate in person or by listening to a recording.
As you can see, there are many ways in which you can relax and unwind. It is important to give yourself time for self-care and reenergizing your mind, body, and spirit. Do your best to incorporate some form of mediation into your day.
With Love and Light,
Karen T. Hluchan
International Spirit Medium, Paranormal Investigator, Reiki Master, Spiritual Artist, Motivational Speaker, & Author of How Have You Loved?